Currently Pursuing 2020 — an interesting gamble with a string of notes
Passing the Oracle Java Certificate exam
Build, test, and deploy Docker applications with Kubernetes while learning production-style development workflows
Obtain valuable Core Java Skills And Java Certification
Master Typescript by learning popular design patterns and building complex projects. Includes React and Express!
Oracle’s Java Certification has a tough passing percentage, close to 65% for both OCAJP (the Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer) and OCPJP (the Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer). You need in-depth knowledge of the Java language and API to succeed in the exam.
Persistence is the number one skill you will want to have to become a programmer. The reality is when you’re learning a new skill it’s gonna be difficult. When you persist at it then you get better at it. If you stick to it, things will get easier. Hit a wall etc, understand concepts but can’t apply it to your own code, then keep persisting!! You’ll understand the process more. It’s part of the process. You will ultimately succeed and be able to become a programmer.
Frame works, areas of interest can be hard to know. Unconscious incompetence
Conscious competence. Realize what skills you need and may have a real want. Acknowledging you don’t yet have the skills but you want them and you're gonna make tons of mistakes and get frustrated. Realize or acknowledging what skills you need to learn more advanced frameworks. I need to learn core skills: html css javascript. “If i get a solid core, i can probably pick up react.”
Conscious competence… you can string together code, really have to focus to understand..wonder if gonna remember this stuff if you don’t constantly train and immerse yourself in it. Have worries and concerns. But video or book starting to make sense.
Unconscious competence.. programming becomes second nature. You’ve done enough practice and training so programming is easy. Not struggling to remember things or concentrate so hard all the time. Comes to you much easier. Some things feel can teach to other people. Wondering now why you were wanting to give up in earlier stages. Not saying not other challenges to overcome… some elements of frustration but much easier and stronger model to understand new skills. Practice and study regularly. Can you add to it, add functionality do something extra with a certain piece of code.
Pathfinding and sorting algorithms…!!!!
Generate new array, change array size and sorting speed… merge heap bubble quick merge sort heap sort quick sort bubble sort.
Failed phone interviews at Lyft.. oi.
Largest palindrome substring?… oi
Trying to understand and learn in a typed language, ie java c++ was hard. with only javascript background.
Python c++ java D:
2 cigma hedgefund… tech related hedgefund
Understanding profoundly vs superficially
Usually things recurring.. complexity analysis and space time asymptotic log of n… D;
Learning linux commands or keyboarding shortcuts d;
How to implement declare a hash table in… javascript python etc
Coding interview questions are very unique in that they force you to be very comfortable with the fundamental building blocks of a programming language
Iterate over a list; manipulate a string; sort list of numbers; deal with condition statements; deal with null values; declare a class; definitely declare a function.
Programming fundamentals necessary. Maybe know how to do a for loop or conditional but don’t know how to map a list of numbers to another list of numbers.
Learn how to use libraries like tensor flow or pandas once you have the fundamental building blocks down. Have core python knowledge for more advanced material.
2003 12 years old D:
Git lab full remote too.
Kyle’s rant begin
Charge graduates these things to be responsible for post graduation:
What i want to charge graduates with being responsible for after graduating from here.
We charge you to be authentic, the lessons you learn before you came here still matter and the world needs them. Be yourself.
We charge you to be compassionate, build community actively include others, and tear down gates. And we charge you to be courageous, trust yourself, run towards danger and rise to the challenges presented to you.
Hmm only 2600 grads out of Denver in last 8 years.
Number of new jobs being brought to Colorado in software development is 80,000 0:
Enterprise angular and startup react.
Rust taking place of c++ and go taking java place!
Excellent traffic cop thalamus hypothalamus (=>body response) amygdala (short => emotions) cortex (longer =>) diagram.
Kyle’s education manifesto => Education should be based on: The 3 C’s (curriculum, coaching, and community); Mastery( fixed mastery, variable time!); Humanism (whole person, authenticity, choice + freedom)
Hebb’s rule! Hebb’s law!
Montessori method of teaching.
Kyle’s rant end
Demonstrate basic programming proficiency.
Authentic test do 10 times in a row mastery of standards like this.
Looping conditionals variables and functions and scope.
Command + shift + F allows you to focus on whichever tab you’re in (in google chrome for example)!